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[논문 분석/단어] 식습관 패턴과 심혈관질환 위험요소: 스웨덴 유전자-환경 상호작용 연구 프로그램

by 빅데이터1020 2020. 5. 23.

지난 번 포스팅에서 해외논문 한 편을 소개해드렸습니다.


<식습관 패턴과 심혈관질환 위험요소: 스웨덴 유전자-환경 상호작용 연구 프로그램>



이번 포스팅에서는 해당 논문에서 확실히 알아 두면 좋은 영어 단어를 정리했습니다.


심혈관 질환에 대한 용어가 많아서 단어 난이도가 높았지만 한국어 뜻을 보면 일상 생활에서 질환을 묘사할 때 충분히 쓰이는 어휘라는 생각이 들었습니다.


영어 단어를 공부할 때 영영풀이를 같이 보면 이해의 폭이 깊어질테니, 한국어 뜻과 영어풀이 뜻도 함께 봅시다! ^0^


1. lipid (지질)

: any of a class of organic compounds that are fatty acid or their derivatives and are insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents.

2. simultaneously 동시에
3. metablic 신진대사의
4. cardiovascular disease 심혈관 질환
5. intergene (유전자-환경 상호작용 연구)

 : a population based research program that assessed the INTERplay between GENEic susceptibility and environmental factors for the risk of chronic diseases in western Sweden

6. anthropometric measure (인체 측정)

: relating to the scientific study of the measurements and proportions of the human body

* anthropometry 인체측정학

7. prevalence (유행, 널리 퍼짐)

: the fact of condition of being prevelant
* prevalent (만연하는)

: widespread in a particular area or at a particular time


8. conform (따르다)

: be similar in form or type, comply with rules, behave according to socially acceptable conventions or standards

9. divergent (다른)

: tending to be different or develop in different directions

* divergent conclusions: 완전 반대의 결과들이 나왔다는 것 

10. epidemiologic studies (역학) 

: relating to the branch or medicine which deals with incidence, distribution, and control of diseses 
* epidemic (유행, 전염병)

: a widespread occurence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time


11. covary (상관관계가 있다)

: to exhibit covariation. to vary in correlation with another related variant


12. predominantly (주로)

: mainly, for the most part

13. cumulative effects (누적된 결과)

: effects produced by something happening over a long period of time.

14. recurrence : the fact of occrring again

15. myocardial infarction (심근 경색증) 
* infarction (경색) : obstruction of the blood supply to an organ or region of tissue.
* obstruct (막다) : block, prevent or hider, deliberately make sth difficult
* myocardial (심근) : relating to the muscular tissue of the heart

16. observational studies (관찰연구)

: 연구자가 개입하지 않고 피험자의 성향에 따라 군으로 분류된 후 결과를 얻어 인과관계나 상관성을 분석하는 연구


17. angina pectoris (협심증)

: a condition marked by severe pain in the chest


18. saturated fat (포화지방) 

: holding as much water or moisture as can be absorbed. thoroughly soaked


19. atherosclerosis (죽상 경화증) 

: a disease of the arteries characterized by the deposition of plaques of fatty material on their innner walls


20. coronary heart disease (관 상동맥질환) 

: relating to or denoting the arteries which surround and supply the heart 
* artery (arteries) 동맥

21. morbidity (병적 상태) 

: the condition of being diseased 
* mortality : the state of being subject of death (일시적인 상태), death, especially on a large scale (사망 상태) 

22. hypothesis (가설)

: a supposition or proposed explanation maed on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation

23. derive (유래하다)

: obtain sth from a specified source, base a concept on a logical extension or modification of another concept

24. truncate (끝을 자르다)

: shorten sth by cutting off the top or the end

25. spirits (술) 

: a usually volatile organic solvent( such as an alcohol, ester, or hydrocarbon) 

* spirit은 '영혼'이라는 뜻으로 많이 쓰이지만, '술'이라는 뜻으로도 쓰이네요!


26. offal (겨, 찌꺼기, 찌꺼기 고기)

: the entrails and internal organs of an animal used as food, refuse or waste material, decompsoing animal flesh 

27. demographic (인구학, 인구통계학)

: relating to the structure of population